Weekending – A lot of Work With a Little Bit of Fun + Lilly for Target Review
April 20, 2015Happy Monday. It felt so good to be home this weekend! Mark and I actually got to hang out with each other and just be. It was fabulous. Linking up with Biana and Meghan!
Did y’all brave Target yesterday? Luckily the local store was right next to where Mark played softball so he I dragged came along for an extra set of hands. He was horrified and amused all at the same time. Let me just tell you how poorly organized. There should really be a limit on how many speciality items purchased. Mark snapped this beauty for me (don’t I have him so well blog trained??). Oh yes my friends that is a fully decked out Lilly Jeep. The woman couldn’t even fit all the goods into her car.
Anyways lets back track. I started my Weekend off with a fabulous seat kicking at barre and then figured if I had to grade 90+ papers I might as well do it out in the sunshine.
Then we actually ventured out and got some dinner. I totally forgot to get a picture before we left but had Mark snap the one. I’m on the hunt for an affordable pair of distressed white skinnies so far I found these (under $25) check em. I told you these shoes will be on repeat! Now is the time to grab them with the Bloomingdales sale today! Use SAVE25 to get $25 off of them, scoop them up before they sell out! Side note….look at those fabulous ends all trimmed up of 4 inches off the bottom! Finally got around to it after the wedding!
We stopped by the mall for an airing out and to add to my growing list of Summer lusts. See gladiator sandals are everywhere! Loving this metallic pair. Did you catch my full post on these here?
Sunday I was up with all the crazies.
I first only ended up with a little girls dress and some makeup cases but due to some persistence and some fabulous bartering skills I ended up with a few great pieces. All I have to say is girls are crazy! I witnessed someone rip something out of someones hands to which I proclaimed “Oh Hell no…..get some manners it’s like a dress!” Then some very friendly lady who dragged her husband handed me a dress and told me it was because “I was sweet and not scary aggressive like the others“. I literally rolled out of bed please ignore the complete lack of makeup.
I thought the quality was pretty good except the sandals. Totally flimsy. Not impressed.
In all I was very pleased with my early wakeup call.
This one does look so pretty on and just perfect for the Florida Summer!
Dress here | shoes here old but similar here + here | watch old similar here
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I hope you had a fabulous weekend! Check back tomorrow for some things that I’m digging lately! Did you score at the Lilly sale? Did you brave the stores or luck out online? I did get this scarf and I am in love with it for the Summer. xoxoxoxo
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Oh my goodness, that women in the lily jeep, haha. I can’t even brave Black Friday after having tried it once, people really get crazy!
That dress alone is worth all the hassle in my opinion! So fresh and summery! :) And you pose so well you should be a model! :)
I usually try to avoid an event like this since I don’t do well when there are thousands of (possibly angry) people around me. Haha
okay okay okay Amanda…..you know that you’ve been my blog crush since I started blogging but now I am just plain jealous!!!!! I wanted that shift dress so badly but I am between sizes and cant figure out what size I need to order online and annoyingly there are no targets in japan. Great haul!
Can’t believe you scored all of that during the Lilly sale! I walked into a mad house and didn’t even try. I am not good at this whole black Friday type shopping. That dress looks amazing on you though! Those distressed white skinnies are perfect too! Happy Monday love!
<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes
Glad you were able to get some things, I heard it was horrible everywhere. CRAZY…it’s just clothing. Love your pieces!
Woohoo for a good although busy weekend.
Looks like you had a fabulous weekend and you lucked out big time with your finds! Looking fabulous in that dress already! :)
Cute! Love the Lily Pullitzer line and I really need to head over there. Trying to hold off for a few weeks. Glad you had a good weekend and I still love those shoes.
I got some really good Lilly stuff with not too much trouble! One chick kind of pushed me at one point when we were coming in the door but I just looked at her and you could tell she was horrified at herself so I let it go lol. Thanks for the tip about the sandals. I reeeeally wanted some of the pineapple ones and was considering paying slightly inflated prices for a pair but now I think I’ll pass! Happy Monday!
Love the dress you got! I decided to stay away from Target and all the crazies. I may try to see if there’s anything left later this week. I am loving all the Lilly home stuff online at Target!
Looks like you scored some good stuff during the sale!!! I was at Target pretty early yesterday morning to grocery shop and didn’t even think about Lily stuff. Oops! That dress looks fabulous on you!!! And I love that large, orange make up bag. Hope you have a great week!
Madness I tell ya – pure madness!! I can’t get over that girl car…I mean I hope that the Lilly people at least know what kind of fan she is LOL!! I’m so happy you scored some goods!! I need to take a cue from you and cut some of the dead ends from my hair – it looks so healthy!!! Hope you have a great day love! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston
First off your design is GORGEOUS! I have been looking at it from my phone, but just opened it up on my computer and it looks awesome! Sounds like a great weekend and loving the Lily dress on you. I couldn’t make it yesterday, and I’m assuming (because of all of the pictures on IG of the insanity) that my Target is probably all sold out!
Have a great day!
WOW that lady with the Jeep, now that is dedication to a brand, hahaha! LOVE the dress on you, it looks so good! You got a great haul!
That is completely nuts, the Lilly frenzy, the jeep, the vicious ripping of items out of a stranger’s hands. That dress however looks amazing on you and is definitely perfect for summer in Florida, definitely worth it.
prosecco in the park
i am equally impressed and not surprised by your haul yesterday at target :) good work girl! that dress looks perfect on you! it was a busy weekend for sure but productive ones are needed every so often. happy monday love!
I had to do a double take on the jeep. That’s some serious fandom. Totally not jealous that I couldn’t be there. Though I was a little disappointed to discover that every single item in the line was out of stock this morning. Hopefully it restocks soon. I don’t see myself being able to make it to Target until next weekend! You got some great pieces though! I know you mentioned the sandals were crappy. The pineapple sandals? Or the flip-flops? – Reading all the reviews I can so I can pass on the not so great stuff. Desperately searching for someone who has purchased the espadrilles!
This dress is adorable! I did not brave Target yesterday. The weather here was awful and it was pouring all Sunday morning. The Lily jeep is HILARIOUS. Some people are obsessed, hence the ugly words and arguing over items :)
Have a great day!
Girl, you crazy. Just READING about all the lilly craziness online made me have panic attacks. I do not do mad rushes and big crowds. Nooooooo thank you! But you scored some pretty sweet gets! And doesn’t a haircut just feel so great sometimes? It looks fab!
Great scores lady! The Target here was absolute insanity! I got Avery the same dress! The A’s can be twins! I feel like I got gray hairs doing that yesterday. I love that Mark went with you! Husband of the year!!
What a nice weekend! Glad that you and mark got some time together. The Lilly for Target thing was complete madness – good for you for calling out some of the crazies at the store! I enjoyed reading people’s ranting comments on Targets Facebook page all day – I think everybody needed to get a grip on the whole thing. Oh, and your hair looks fresh and fab!
You scored some good stuff! I actually went to Target later in the day (not for Lilly) and you wouldn’t have even known there was anything Lilly in the store earlier, everything was completely cleared out.
You scored some great pieces, I’m impressed! By the time I made it to my Target yesterday morning all was gone, I didn’t know it was going to beTHAT crazy! Glad you had a good weekend!
From reading people’s blogs this morning I cannot believe how crazy & rude people were! Glad you got some pieces!
First of all you look fabulous in that dress, perfect for summer! And I love that you scored it for not being scary aggressive! Seriously, what is wrong with people! I love that you called out the crazies!
Have a fabulous week <3
I stayed as far away from Target as physically possible. Lily sales in Debutante Dallas?! Oh hell no. Lines were miles long and women here are extra crazy for those loud prints. No no no. I would just lose my faith in humanity going to something like that.
That Jeep, oh my gosh! I didn’t brave Target, but I have seen so much cute stuff :)
I must have gone to a very tame Target – the women shopping were very nice and civilized! No one was buying entire racks and people were trading nicely. However, I was so bummed our store didn’t have the bathing suits or coverups!
That jeep is TOO MUCH! I give serious props to your hubby for braving the crazies…and they did sound crazy. Great finds, though! I hoped to score a coverup but shopping was a major fail here in Chicago.
xo, Jen
Lily Jeep – whoa.
And you look FABULOUS!
I woke up randomly at 3 AM on Sunday and people were losing their minds on Twitter. I had no clue Lilly Pulitzer was this big a deal but the hashtag #lilyfortarget was pretty funny. One of my friends ended up going to a store in Las Colinas (up by Dallas) and she had no issue. There was a line but she said everyone behaved so calmly and politely and she had no problem getting the items she wanted. I’m glad you got to get some good things!
Wow, that dress looks wonderful on you! That jeep is so hilarious!
When I was in high school and college I wore Lily dresses ALL of the time. Like I had quite the collection.Those sandals definitely look flimsy too. Anyway… I’m glad that you scored some cute things!! I love that white top with the gold stud detailing. Also those metallic gladiator sandals are SO cute. I’m also happy that you and Mark were able to spend some time together. :-)
I don’t understand the hype for her stuff but the dress does look great on you!
well you totally scored! you look so great! and I can’t get over the lady in the jeep- too funny!
Seriously, you look so cute in that dress!! I love your persistence! My Lilly experience was definitely not as productive, but it was worth it, if just for the people watching. Have a great week, Amanda!
oh my gosh, that jeep is insane! i’m not a fan of lilly normally but that dress looks flawless on you! i can’t believe the women were so insane. weirdos!
I am so jealous that you were able to grab some Lilly goodies! I was out of town but otherwise would have been right there in line with the crazies, too!
The stories I’m hearing – good grief how ridiculous are people?? And that jeep? That is on a WHOLE other level. I’m glad you managed to scoop up some fabulous goodies!
I can’t believe the craziness that was Lilly for Target! I didn’t even try go to go target, and before I could order the items I wanted disappeared out of my shopping bag so oh well! But love the dress! You look fab!
xo Southern Style
More power to you girlfriend! I wasn’t staying up late or going to the mob scene store, so I missed out. Oh well, I get to keep all ,y limbs and not go to jail for lashing out at some crazy person. I’m totally jealous of your scores though- you get all the bragging rights. Mark too!
Southern Belle Secrets
I cannot deal with that Jeep. So funny! Your husband is such a nice guy. I think mine would have murdered someone if I had taken him in Target this weekend. Love the dress you snagged!
Hey girl! Sounds like you had a packed weekend (as always).
I did not brave the LP fiasco at target but I did try to snag the crochet tank top but size small was already gone at 6:45am yesterday. Love this dress on you!
XO, Gina
whoooa that lilly jeep is crazy! you got some cute stuff.. i really wanted those shorts but i was not about to step foot in a target in the south haha xo
You are gorgeous!! I love that dress on you :)
I didn’t brace the sale but went in today to get some lip balm and scored a few pieces still left on the racks in my size and Ellie’s!!!!
Really?– With the Lilly jeep? ha.
You scored so many things!! I love that dress on you! I decided to not brave the crowds and totally forgot about jumping online. Dang! Looking super cute!
i have officially seen it all! a lilly jeep! i bet she had a team–people online shopping for her and people in different stores. i bet there were maps and coordinated watches involved! ;)
A full Lilly jeep? That is ridiculous! I’m kind of shocked how many men there are in line. Glad you scored a few items after braving the crazies!
My daughter and I braved the store (which wasn’t too bad) but they only had one of each item! People were not happy. But we ended up with a few things for her, some home goods and I got a scarf and bag. Not too bad really. Love that dress on you!
Love that you got a shift by being nice! I bartered too, and some lady ended up giving me some flip flops because I was trying to help her get some stuff:)
Oh wow! The sale sounds crazy. I try not to shop sales because people get so crazy ha ha. That Jeep is pretty insane too!
That dress looks great on you! I can’t believe people are crazy like that. I don’t get it.