You guys, I am not a crier but this entire week I have been tearing up whenever I think of my baby turning one. It’s so crazy to think how fast this year went by and how I went from caring for a tiny newborn to now chasing after a one-year-old. This kid I tell you. The personality on him. He has a knack for making everyone feel happy around him. He is not happy until he gets your attention and a smile from you. He is goofy, loves to laugh, has the most infectious smile, gives really tight hugs and kisses on the cheek. He is walking, talking, has 7 teeth, and his favorite food is pizza. Mark and I sing to him “pizza man” and he does a little dance while wiggling the pizza in his hand. I was able to make it to my goal of nursing till a year. Man, that is a full-time job right there but it was totally worth it.
He is serious in situations that he doesn’t know about. Is starting to cry a little bit when things don’t go his way (toddler time here I come)….He loves the playground at school and crawling through tunnels. He looks like such a little man when I dress him in jeans and a polo. My baby is really growing up. He really has the most infectious personality and draws you in. I love being his momma and I tear up thinking about getting to watch this beautiful human grow up. Life is so different now but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I thought I was busy before but add taking care of a baby while being sleep deprived on top of it. Basically, I feel like a superhuman every day.
I wished and prayed for a baby so much. I know that God has given me my perfect baby and I am so honored to be his momma. Happy Birthday, Patrick!
Happy Birthday Patrick!
Happpyyyy Birthday Patrick!! He is such a sweet boy and I hope he has the best day!!
Happy, happy birthday Patrick! What a lucky little guy to have a mama who loves him like you do!
Happy birthday to your little man! he is just too adorable!
Happy birthday sweet Patrick! Time does fly and he’s just as lucky to have you as his momma!!!
Happy Brithday handsome!!! Seriously he is adorable!
Happy Birthday to your son! He is so adorable!
xo, Joling
OMG I can’t believe Patrick is one already. Where the heck has the time gone?! He’s getting so big and so cute! He’s so lucky to have such amazing parents!
What a handsome little guy! Look so much like his daddy. Happy 1st birthday sweet P.