I have been getting so many questions about my thoughts on my new Fitbit charge HR. So I thought I would put together my thoughts for the fitbit charge hr review. I finally had some time (sitting in an airport) so I had time to collect my thoughts to share with you. Okay, first things first. I am talking about the newest Fitbit which is the heart rate Fitbit. The previous Fitbit does not track your heart rate, just your steps. This specific one tracks not only your steps but your heart rate as well. Here is my fitbit charge HR review.
Fitbit Charge HR Review
Since these things never go on sale, I took advantage of the Amazon Prime day and scooped this up. When I purchased it was not discounted but it did give me a $25 gift card back, which has already been put to good use with these pretties. I picked the plum because it is prettier than the black in my honest opinion. They are know slightly discounted on Amazon here.
Here are all the different things it monitors. Time and date. Steps. Heart rate. Distance and calories burned. Stairs climbed and then your alarm clock. These can all be adjusted in your accompanying app. They are pretty good to be honest, I might even say that the fitbit charge 2 makes the best gift if you are thinking of getting one for someone.
If you want to track a workout, you hold the side button until it beeps, then again when you are done. With workouts that get you a little more sweaty, tighten and move it down your wrist towards your fingers. I found it tracks your heart rate better that way. Finally I was able to see how many calories I burn during a barre class! Almost 300 calories, plus I stayed in the fat burning zone for most of the class.
Here Are the Features I Dig.
The heart rate sensor.
It allows you to really get an accurate picture of how many calories your are burning with your workouts. If you are trying to watch your weight it is very helpful addition to your calorie counting.
It pairs to your phone.
You get a quick vibration alert when someone calls. Awesome for when your phone is on silent, you won’t miss that call.
The sleep tracker.
I am oddly obsessed with my sleep patterns. Like how many hours am I getting, how restful was my sleep, did I wake up in the middle of the night. This tracks all of it. Plus, you can set your alarm to wake you up. So much better to wake up to a vibration on your wrist, instead of a shrieking alarm.
The accuracy
The steps are extremely accurate.
The Community
You can set up challenges with your friends and family. Since I am super competitive I can’t let my dad and sister beat my every day. I actually started running again because I can’t be at the bottom of the weekly challenge.
The app is super user friendly
The Cons
It’s not water proof
You have to charge it every 3 days.
I try to do it when I’m writing blog posts and not going anywhere
It’s not super fashionable
Currently you can’t pop out the tracker and put it into other more fashionable accessories. I find myself not wearing my watch as much because it adds bulk having the Fitbit and watch together. I started wearing it on my right wrist when I do want to wear my watch. I’m hoping for more fashionable accessories to start popping up.
Doesn’t track my barre class
I’m in a group with runners…..clearly they school me every single day because even though barre class is challenging, you don’t do a lot of steps. That is frustrating for this competitive gal. I sometimes even go home and do a quick run after class just to get some steps in.
The cost
These are never on sale and even when there are coupon codes, they never seem to work for fitness trackers. I do think the price tag was a deterrent for me for some time until Amazon sweetened the deal. I’m happy I have it but it was a special gift that is for sure.
Overall impression.
I am very happy with my fitbit charge hr review purchase. It makes me mindful of my health and fitness on a daily basis. I even started tracking my water intake on the app. My sister and my friends have been such a great motivator to get up and moving. I would buy it again but I’m also hoping for fashionable accessories to come out so I will wear it every single day in addition to other pieces taking up wrist real estate.
Do you have a Fitbit? If so is it the heart rate monitor? What are your favorite things or things that aggravate you about it? If you don’t have a Fitbit, which tracker do you have and why did you pick that one? I’d love to know your thoughts!!!! If you like this fitness post make sure to check this one about how I stay active every day or check my fitness posts here.
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The only reason I don’t want one of these is because I don’t usually run or do a lot of cardio, I mainly do weights so I feel like it wouldn’t be that helpful for me. And lack of accessories sucks! Although it definitely was helpful in Charleston!
<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes
Glad you like the Fitbit. I know it’s great for those that want to be more active, but if you’re already active I’ve heard mix results. Similar to you and barre, I lift, which won’t really get tracked on the FB. I am also a huge fan to tracking my sleep, so informative!
I ended up giving my fitbit to Gary because he didn’t care that it didn’t match his outfits lol!! I do like your HR so I might upgrade him for x-mas!! I love fitness trackers – they are the best!! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
This is such a great review! I just got a fitness tracker over the weekend while at a conference and I’m so excited to use it! I’ve wanted one for so long, but most of them aren’t too fashionable haha!
xo, Rachel
A Blonde’s Moment
I really enjoy my Fitbit!
The Charge seems cool with the heart rate monitor. I have the one that clips onto clothing which I like because I hate having things around my wrists for long.
I’ve been hesitant about these for several of the reasons that you mentioned. I’m already active and not trying to lose weight, so it would just be more for information for me at this point. And it’s just more money than I want to spend, at this point, for information. If I was trying to lose weight or be really mindful of that stuff, then I’d definitely be more into it.
I love the color that you got!
My friend just got one of these and she likes it. She works out quite a bit more than I do though ;). That is interesting that it has a sleep tracker though. I want to know how restful my sleep is lol. xo
I really need to get back on using my Fitbit! I used to be way more adamant about using it! I totally agree that they need to come out with some cuter accessories.
i wore the fitbit (the original one) for a whole year when i bought it and then gave up. bc it wasn’t cute mostly and i wasn’t moving as much as i wanted to haha. but i’ve been debating the apple watch (way to go big or go home kerri) bc it tracks stuff and then some. i dunno. the struggle is real! haha. but i do love that plum color and i love how your HR does more than my OG one did – like heart rate and time and all that. good review girl!
xoxo cheshire kat
Wow, it’s really similar to my Garmin! The Garmin doesn’t need to be charged though, and doesn’t do stair counts (which is totally cool with me – I live in a one level and everywhere has elevators so it’d be a sad count… lol!) I don’t get how it knows we’re sleeping!? I got my first report and couldn’t believe it could tell the difference between me resting in bed and actually being asleep. You fall asleep fast, m’dear!
I’ve been wanting to get a Fitbit or something like it. It was really helpful to read your review! The plum one you got is SO much prettier than the black. I’d probably go with that one too. But how is it not waterproof?? I hope they come out with one that is soon. That would make so much sense.
I keep going back and forth… and back and forth… on getting one of these. I think if they offered more fashionable accessories I would be all over it! Also, I’m impressed that it took you 0 minutes to fall asleep ;)
Ah I love this! I’ve been looking for an activity tracker that includes a sleep tracker. I’ve been using an iphone app for sleep tracking, but I know it’s not accurate since it picks up Adam in the bed too. For some reason I missed this one on Fitbit’s site, I only saw a bulky wristband. Gracias for the review!
See, this is what I’m debating!! To I get a heart rate monitor (like a Polar, etc) that actually tracks all the activity my body gets all day, or the fitbit that wouldn’t track something like a barre class? I almost bought this during amazon prime day as well but in the end I decided against it. Maybe there will be some deals over Thanksgiving… hopefully I’ll have my mind made up by then ;)
I’m obsessed with my charge hr! i do wish it was prettier! And you should put it on your hip during barre- that should help you track better!(just make sure it’s on your skin, so put it in your yoga pants!)
I have a Polar and I really want a Fitbit. Good review!
my husband has been thinking about getting one of these! xo jillian – cornflake dreams
I have the Flex right now and like it because it does the basics. But I would like to upgrade soon but not sure if I’ll go for the HR or Apple Watch..decisions!
Thanks for such a thorough and honest review of this product! I’m going to show it to Ryan – he’s been wanting to upgrade his Fitbit to this one, so he will be thrilled to read more about it!
I’ve been so on the fence with purchasing one of these as well as I’m not a runner, but I workout every day (Barre classes, biking, weights, elliptical, yoga, etc.. ) all of which wouldn’t track accurately. But we travel a lot, and I’d love to be able to track my steps while sight seeing in various cities.
I do love the color you got – so much prettier than the black. Great choice gurlie <3
I really appreciate how you have broken everything down about what it does and what your real thoughts are on it. I am with you, I wish they had something more fashionable…like a bracelet that looks nice with all our pretty Michael Kors watches!!!I have had my eye on the HR since it first came out but have a hard time swallowing $150. I would totally get the purple one if I do take the plunge.
i really, really, really love my garmin for running and i’m not particularly interested in replacing it, however i’d love to try one of these for the heart rate / steps / sleeping. i’d be super interested in my sleeping patterns. meanwhile, girl you fell asleep in 10 minutes?! i am SO jealous. SO SO jealous. the plum is super cute. i noticed there are 2 different sizes (small and large) do you know which size you have? the price is a bit of a deterrent for sure (maybe it will go on sale for black friday? lol), and the charging – boo. i do love that it connects to the phone though. fabulous review girl!
I have the same fit bit and had no idea you just had to hold down the side button and it would start to track your workout. Great to know!
I wish the battery life lasted a little longer than it does because I’m constantly on the move AND love to watch my sleep patterns I feel like I’m missing steps or sleep info when I have it charging.
I hate the wrist trackers for that reason, they miss so many exercises. OR even walking with a grocery cart or baby stroller :(
I have the FitBit One – its so accurate. They say any on the waist is more accurate. But I do love the HR function.
Great review! Thank you for this!
Her Heartland Soul
Hey girl! I had a Garmin vívofit and really liked it, but (womp womp) lost it. I’m trying to decide whether I want to buy another tracker, and if so, which one.
Do you feel like it counts burned calories accurately in comparison to a heart rate monitor band that goes around your chest? I’ve heard the wrist monitor isn’t as accurate, so that was a deterrent for me.
Thanks! :)
Great info! I would love to get one of these, it would be so helpful to see how many cals I’m actually burning and I love the sleep tracking feature, so cool!
loved your snaps about this! I have been dying for one, I really think it will help motivate me to go for runs.
I have the regular fitbit and I LOVE it, but I do wish it had a watch function on it. I think I’m going to splurge in the near future and grab this one for myself as well as for Jonathan. I think he’d like this one better than the original. Also? Your photos are so freaking impressive.
Ooooo I’m really thinking about getting one of these for my mom for Christmas. I bet she’d love it!
Does it track HR all the time? I have a polar HR monitor that I use for workouts, but I would be interested to know more about how this one works… I wear an Up24 right now (because I’m obsessed with all the same things you are), but I’ve had a really hard time with them lately and I don’t like the newly released versions, so when this one goes, I’m probably going to look into switching to this!
This is so helpful – I was actually just thinking about different monitors and was curious if the FitBit could track HR. Steps are interesting, but I think this is WAY more helpful. I’d be so curious to know about the sleep stuff! definitely putting it on my wish list!
I have the same one (but in black) and love it! The only downside really, is that you have to charge it so often. I wish it held for a few more days!
Thanks for the review! I’ve been using the Jawbone since May but today I forgot to take it off when I jumped in the pool (ugh). I’m now in the market to replace it.
Trish – tales from trish