Thank you Born Sweet® Zing™ Stevia Sweetener for sponsoring this post. Try Zing™ Zero Calorie Stevia Sweetener for a taste of sweet excitement!
Some of my favorite posts to write are the ones that help us stay accountable with health and fitness. I cram a lot into one day and we all know when that happens sometimes the first thing to get cut, is time for fitness. When in reality it should be the most important part of ones day. Getting a good sweat on and focusing your mind on a workout is such a great stress reliever and hello workout endorphins. Take for example the other day I was caught in the worst traffic coming home and missed my barre class, instead of coming home and flopping on the couch with the tv and honey wheat pretzels……I streamed popsugar workouts onto my computer and got my heart pumping.
Coming at you with a printable workout. You can pin right from the pictures if you want to!
You all know how I feel about a good plank challenge!
Also, I wanted to share a recipe for a post workout smoothie. One of my favorite ways to get that protein in without adding chemically laden protein powder mix, is to use greek yogurt. I try to just use the non flavored kind because it acts as a great base for mix ins. To give the smoothie a sweet finish I add a little of the Born Sweet® Zing™ Zero Calorie Stevia Sweetener. Just mix the greek yogurt, almond milk, a scoop of almond butter (I like the one from Trader Joe’s with chia seeds in it) and a packet of the Zing™ Zero Calorie Stevia Sweetener. It is a zero calorie sweetener that is made with real ingredients (nothing artificial!) and it doesn’t have that funny aftertaste or make the smoothie overly sweet. I also started buying the unsweetened almond milk and adding a little of the Zing™ Zero Calorie Stevia Sweetener to my coffee in the morning and it gives it just the perfect amount of sweetness without adding any extra calories.
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You can check it out here and get your free sample and you can visit here to find where to buy it locally. What are your favorite smoothies to make? Do you usually add a little sweetener to yours or haven’t before in the past because you didn’t want to add any additional calories? Definitely check out Zing™ Zero Calorie Stevia Sweetener the next time you are looking for a great zero calorie sweetener!
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I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
Thanks for sharing this! I’ll definitely have to try it. xo, Erin |
Planks are some of my favorite things to do. I go to a Saturday morning yoga class that has a killer plank series!
Christina :: Simple and Delish
Huge fan of planks for abs, they really bring the BURN!
Planking – ahhh my nemesis but it’s so good for you! I always do a better job alone than at a barre class for some reason! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
I usually didn’t add any sweeteners to my smoothies for the same reason. But a low calorie option would be great!
Thanks for this! I told myself for March I needed to do more challenges like this (yesterday I did 2 sets of 15 barre squats – o.m.g) and I’m adding your plank series to the roster!
I’m obsessed with your leggings – thanks for including those links : ) I just got back into working out (finally) and am feeling motivated. Definitely adding your plank series to my routine.
Looks like a great ab workout! Love your leggings!
I’m such a huge fan of planks and love your workout leggings. Great post!
Ok, that is insane that you can do that plank challenge! Holy fit abs!! I’m going to start with it in seconds first :)
I hate planking. Hate! Haaaaate. I make all my clients do it, but I just hate doing it. Buuuuuut it’s good for me and I should probably get on this plank challenge at some point :)
Thanks for sharing, I will have to try these planks. I use to do them all the time and then just got lazy.
I’m always up for a challenge! This one doesn’t SEEM too bad… we’ll see a minute in! Lol!! Make today work, Rachel –CubicleCouture
I’ve been planning on doing another plank challenge. I think I’ll give this one a go! Perfect.
I use Zing in my coffee to flavor my unsweetened almond milk with no calories! I skipped pure barre this morning and this is motivating me to shut my door and do some plank! I love those leggings, you look great in them doing that perfect form!
I don’t usually add any sweeteners to my smoothies, because I don’t want the extra calories. I’ll have to find this next time I’m out grocery shopping!
xo, Lily
Beauty With Lily
Always working on my plank game, so I’ll be giving this circuit a try! And, hello zero calorie sweetener – I’m totally picking that up next time at the grocery store.
Love this!! I also love that you are doing planks by the pool. YES to that!! :-) I’m always worried about those sweeteners hurting my stomach, what are your thoughts on that?? Love those leggings too. :-)
I like about time whey protein because it is natural without all the garbage. I do that with some PB2, greek yogurt, almond milk and a banana. Yum yum yum!!! Planks are so great, right?!?! I love to hate them. And bur-pees.
I’ve ordered my sample (thanks!) and will be working up to this plank series in front of my own pool!
Planks- they hurt so good! Totally pinning this, thanks for sharing!
I love a good plank challenge. a full body workout right there!
My hubby loves Stevia. It is a great addition to smoothies. A plank challenge will be in my near future for sure!
the most important thing i got from this is that trader joes has an almond butter with chia seeds in it. that is a great way to get chia seeds in.. i used to put them in my smoothie but didn’t like it like that. i’ll have to check that almond butter out!
i used to do planks all the time, but hardly at all anymore. i should totally do this challenge but perhaps i should work on doing a normal plank for like 15 seconds first lol
Awesome workout! It’s so true that when we’re time crunched a workout is first to go, but it should be the last!!
I need to try that sweetener. I also LOVE those leggings. I will have to try that challenge this weekend. My friend and I work out together on the weekends so that would be good to try!
I’m sure this is harder than it looks but I’m willing to give it a try! I need some core strengthening.
You have a perfect plank . . . it’s hard to keep the butt down! Ha!
I used to make a smoothie (with protein powder) every morning for breakfast and you know what? I was in the best shape of my life! I was also working out 7-10 hours a week because I had that kind of time. But diet is more important than working out, so I need to get back into the protein smoothie groove.
amanda–i couldn’t agree with you more. working out is my stress reliever!! it’s like this feeling i get leaving a workout that can’t be replaced with anything else, like i feel empowered, ready to take anything on, and SUPER HAPPY!!! lol, i think you can relate here. thanks for the tip on the yogurt and stevia! PS–planking is my favorite. <3 xoxo,
janna |