[…] this post today because I was able to work with one of my favorite retailers, Zappos. I wrote a post last year about how I find it crazy that Women only get one day of recognition every year. Honestly, I feel […]

When I drive to work every day I listen to satellite radio and one of the stations that is usually on is the Hits One channel. Just about every day they announce some kind of odd National day. “It’s National cheese popcorn day” or today is “National Taco Day“. I always wonder who decides what day gets the notoriety and why. Well last week you may have seen International Women’s Day floating all around the social media outlets. I was happy for the day of recognition but also baffled because I feel like every day should be National Women’s Day.
Let’s just think about this for a second. How many hats do you wear on a daily basis? How many projects/jobs/life issues do you take on every single day and execute them all perfectly? We are career women, wives, moms, therapists to our friends/coworkers, nurses to the sick in our households, we clean, we cook, we mend, we run businesses/companies, juggle multiple jobs at once and are expected to do it all on minimal sleep……still look polished and heaven forbid we forget to pick up the dry cleaning am I right? I feel like every day we are superwomen and should be applauded for it. I mean I think of my mother raising six kids, working, picking us up from all our sporting activities, having dinner on the table by six, helping with homework and sewing that patch on our Girl Scout uniform all while never raising her voice ever. Amazing right? Every woman I know from life and in the blog world is extremely impressive and I take this time to tell you that you rocking it. To keep striving to meet those goals, achieve that next milestone to make it to the finish line.
I don’t think one day is enough. I think that we should all continue to support one another and really mean it. I get daily emails from everyone asking my opinion or help and I am glad to do it. Donate your time or expertise today to another fellow go getter female out there!
Chambray top c/o SHOPBOP here ||| Skirt old but similar here ||| Bucket Bag Madewell on sale here ||| Sunnies here ||| Keds c/o Zappos here
I am teaming up with Zappos.com today to showcase an iconic brand that has always supported women, which is Keds. Keds has been putting women first since 1916, can you believe they have been along for that long?!?!?! I mean who could forget Baby dancing away in her white Keds with Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing? Well Keds are back in a big way and the styles are absolutely adorable. I picked up this bright colorful pair and haven’t taken them off since they came out of the box. I wore them this past weekend down in St. Pete cruising all the downtown markets as well as walking miles around Orlando at Universal Studios. They are seriously so comfy. I would recommend half sizing down. I am usually a 9 but ordered an 8.5 and they fit perfectly. Seriously how fun is this blue pair?!
My favorite part about this campaign is that I get to work with Zappos.com again. I swear they have the fastest shipping ever, even beats my trusted Prime. I ordered these on Wednesday night and Friday morning they were at my door. If you ever have a problem their customer service is on it, no long wait times and they are super friendly. I also didn’t know that Zappos.com has a 365 day return policy, got to love that!
They are also affordably priced, I want to pick up this pink pair as well. I love how Keds supports women and want to encourage you to continue celebrating and helping to drive other females even if it isn’t our one allotted National Day. How many different hats do you wear in one day? Thank you to Keds and Zappos.com for sponsoring this post!
[…] this post today because I was able to work with one of my favorite retailers, Zappos. I wrote a post last year about how I find it crazy that Women only get one day of recognition every year. Honestly, I feel […]
All the praise hands. yes girl! You continue to motivate and inspire me on a daily basis!
I completely agree! It’s so silly that one day is International Women’s Day. Although National Taco Day I can easily get on board with as being every day too… ;) Love that outfit! I haven’t had a pair of Keds in forever but so cute! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes
We all need to focus on building each other up, and not tearing each other down! Supporting each other is key. On a side note, love that skirt as well!
Christina :: Simple and Delish
Big fan of Keds and those pink ones need to get in my closet immediately. Women can be so catty it’s silly, we all need to support and love one another. And also support another national ice cream day ;)!
I think it’s pretty sad that the United States is one of the only countries that doesn’t truly celebrate National women’s day like the rest of the world – it’s so big over in Europe and other countries…but here not so much! I definitely think one day isn’t enough, but I KNOW Mark celebrates you every day, which is the most important thing! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
I agree with your message here. It always amazes me when women spend their time trying to tear each other down instead of either just living their lives, or helping someone. I think we’re in a society where people are too self involved, and all about me me me without considering how they can help to better others, and in the end, better themselves.
Yes! I agree! Great shots, as always.
I totally agree! It is wonderful how women are coming together more to support on another. Like be your kids, they are adorable and bring back great memories!
Whitney & Blaire
Peaches In A Pod
I agree 100% with your message! I wrote about something similar the other day about how I wish moms would stop judging and stop supporting. As women we should be uplifting each other every day!
SO agree! Every day should be national women’s day! and I love Keds. They never go out of style!
I love this! We definitely need to be supporting each other and I love brands that do that!! Zappos has the best shipping and customer service; it always keeps me coming back!
I was kind of thinking why does there need to be a special day? It seems weird to me but yesterday was #natioanlnappingday, now that I can get behind! Love Ked’s and your outfit as always!
I saw the day in a few tweets on Twitter and I was like, umm why do we only get one day? lol! I one million percent agree that we should all be building each other up and helping each other out when we can. I am so sick of watching women tearing down others all over the internet. I feel like if you don’t have something nice to say about someone, you should keep it to yourself. It would make for a much healthier and happier world!
so true girly! gotta celebrate the wonderful women we all are :) and loving the outfit – so perfect for spring!
xoxo cheshire kat
I totally agree! And I probably heard the same discussion on Hits 1 the other day, and wondered the same thing! Love the chambray top and the Keds — such a comfortable and classic shoe!
xo, Rachel
A Blonde’s Moment
One day is definitely not enough! The same goes for margarita and wine day! How fun is that skirt on you, and the color of those shoes are the perfect pop <3
Green Fashionista
YES YES YES, it is so much easier to support a fellow woman rather than tear her down. The world would be a much better place if we showed some love more often. Love this message!
Yes!! Totally Agree!!
Also – perfect look for spring – I love the combination of these colors – looks great!
Totally agree. We all strive to have it all and take care of it all and that should be celebrated every day. Thanks for your inspiration and help as always. I love that outfit, wish I could find the same skirt, it is so cute!
Yes, definitely agree! Everyday should be women’s day! Love the print of your skirt and those Ked’s are so fun!
Doused In Pink
cute skirt!! xo jillian – cornflake dreams
I completely agree with you, we deserve more than a day!
You look fabulous, you look so stylish and comfortable! I love Keds, I haven’t owned a pair in years. Definitely would like to buy a fun color for summer!
Everyday should be international women’s day! We do wear so many hats. Loving this look on you. That skirt is so fun with your chambray and sneakers.
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
Love this post!! I remember my first pair of Keds when I was like 6 years old. I also remember how much I really wanted this leather pair that had silver hearts on them. My Dad drove around everywhere with me trying to find them and we finally did. I was the happiest girl in the world. He is also truly the best Dad for doing that. Anyways.. your outfit is super cute and obviously I love your Keds. You are also a beautiful person inside and out. I really admire how hard you work every day and how much you inspire others. The world needs more of that. Thank you too for always taking the time to chat over email too. :-)
AMEN, sister. We deserve more than just a single day!
PS totally digging the Keds. :)
Le Stylo Rouge
First of all, PREACH GIRLFRIEND! Women still don’t get the credit that they deserve – I think we’re pretty awesome, and I’m glad that you took the time to recognize that. Second of all, you never can go wrong with a classic pair of Keds. I love the blue ones you have – so, so cute!
Seriously doesn’t get any better than Keds. Stylish, simple, classic. Need I go on? haha I do agree that it seems silly to give us a National Day to recognize being women? Like is there a National men’s day? I agree that by doing something every day to show other women support and lift up other women around you , you’re practicing some form of women’s recognition movement. Even if it’s paying someone a compliment. We all could do more to make this world a little more positive. (:
Those blue Keds are seriously the cutest! Keds really are so iconic, and I remember how much I loved wearing them as a kid!
Yes! Why do we even need a “day?” I don’t get it. Every day should be women’s day in my book. I swear the US is the worst when it comes to celebrating and honoring women.
Super cute Keds. I haven’t picked up a pair of those in years. Love the blue!
You’re so right! It’s amazing how we find time to juggle all that we do and still looked polished. OMG Keds! I haven’t worn those in about 20 years and I had no clue they were so dedicated to women.
Great post, Amanda. I am so lucky to be surrounded by amazing women in my social circle and we are constantly building each other up and reminding each other of all the amazing things we do each and every day. We are awesome!
And…yikes! I remember Keds from my childhood! And I totally just ordered these in gold!
I love this whole look! Keds were my go-to when I was younger…love how they have made a come back.
Omg these keds are the cutest and I love that bucket bag!
<3 Shannon
Upbeat Soles
Totally agree with you about it always being National Women’s Day, great that people are showcased one day, but women should get recognized all the time! Love those keds too!!
Yes I love this!! We need to strive to build each other up daily. Life throws enough crap our way, we should do our best to encourage each other and less judging/comparing!
Keds are always adorable! And Zappos rocks – their shipping is like magic! And I’m with you – everyday should be National Women’s Day – if only all women would lift and build each other up! You do a great job of spreading positivity – that’s why I love to read your posts!
I love Keds!!!! I haven’t had a pair in years, but I think I need to remedy that!
What a fabulous post! We women all wear so many hats, and I love your line “Donate your time or expertise today to another fellow go getter female out there!” because you live by it! Your blogging advice has been so helpful and your dedication to your readers is amazing! Love the photos and of course, the shoes! Keds are such classics!
love this post and totally agree!
i had no idea keds had been around that long – did baby really wear them in dirty dancing? hilarious! now i want some keds.
Seriously. Women are the best!
I think about moms in the 80s and 90s and that’s what I will strive to be. They just had it TOGETHER! They were not easily frazzled. They let their kids be kids. That’s what I want.
Also – love zappos!