This is a sponsored post with Urbane Scrubs. Thank you for supporting the brands that work with Meet at the Barre
When I was on maternity leave and would have to think about going to work I would pretty much snuggle my little person and just cry. Maternity leave in this country is such a joke. Most places will give you 12 weeks of protected FMLA but that is not even when you think about it 3 months. Just when you have to go back to work your little newborn all of a sudden starts getting a personality. They are smiling, giggling, and giving you such interaction. It is just the kind of timing that breaks your heart having to think about leaving them. It was never an option to be able to stay at home full time with my little one but I did make accommodations utilizing my longer day schedules and vacation days to go back in a sorta part-time basis. It was so helpful working 3-4 days a week and then always having Patrick home with me on the days off. I kept telling myself that I had him more than daycare did and it really helped with that mom guilt. your child!
Now that he is 8 months old and I’ve switched his daycare (or school as I call it to make myself feel better) to one that is closer to where I live, he has been going on a more full-time basis. He is so busy and I can no longer plop him under a play gym and then answer emails and grade papers. He is crawling, starting to pull up and getting into everything. I watched him the other day play in his crib before his first nap for a good half hour seeing him go from sitting to lying down and then trying to pull himself up on the crib slats. He is going pretty much nonstop and he loves all the interaction from the other babies and teachers at his school. When I pick him up he is all smiles and the teachers are giving him kisses as we are walking out the door. He already knows how to work a room let me tell you.
Since he is in school 4-5 days a week, I have an extra day to get everything done and when I’m with him, I have all my focus on him. It’s not the trying to redirect him to solo play as I’m flipping through work emails on my phone. I’m on the ground with him, playing with his toys and working on his developmental skills. I really feel like it is a great balance. I can also get all the house chores done during the week so the weekends we can all enjoy together. It really is amazing what you can get accomplished in a day when you have set goals.
I’ve shared my full-time job with you before I am a Nurse Practitioner specializing in Pediatrics. I work in a clinic setting seeing patients. I have really great co-workers and work with really dedicated smart Physicians. Since I am in a clinic setting I tend to wear professional clothing to see patients but whenever I’ve had to run over to the hospital for any reason I do wear scrubs. I also do tend to rotate them into the clinic setting as well. Urbane scrubs are a staple that has stood the test of time. I wash and wear my scrubs a lot. I need to invest in quality pieces. I like that the colors do not fade with multiple bouts of washing and they don’t shrink with all the drying. They come in a variety of colors, styles, and sizes. Scrubs sometimes aren’t the most fashionable but Urbane scrubs keep it current with their new Contemporary Fit. They are not only functional but fashionable at the same time.
I particularly like this Leah Empire Notch Neck Tunic top since it gives it a feminine touch. A lot of scrub tops are generic and unisex sizing/cuts. This top actually has some style to it and gives a little bit of shape. The Michelle Yoga Pants have a nice flare to them and love the pockets. I can store my stethoscope, pens, and various notes for the patients. I also like to bring my iPhone/iPad in sometimes to give patients visuals and the additional pockets are very helpful.
It is great that Urbane scrubs are staying current with the trends but are also standing behind their durable fabric construction. They come in a wide variety of colors and sizes to choose from. Thank you to Urbane for sponsoring this post! I am really happy with my current back to work schedule. I feel like I have the perfect balance of mom life and still have enough back into my professional career. What kind of schedule did you have when or if you went back to work. I’m curious to know if it changed for you and how!
Thank you to Urbane Scrubs for sponsoring this post. I did receive a complimentary pair of scrubs and compensation for my honest review. Thank you to my readers who support the brands that work with Meet at the Barre!
Mom guilt never goes away! Balancing the role with work and home is never 50/50. You give more where it is needed. It does even out. I do think you appreciate the time you have with your little one more because you know it is fleeting. You and your baby are a team. The scrubs look great. You should always make the effort to look your best. You only get one chance at a first impression
Where my husband is from a woman gets two years maternity leave – the first year with full pay. Im not even kidding. I think 3 months is insane (we have 3 months here too)