Oh Wednesday thank goodness for you that means the downward slope to the weekend is on. I wanted to let y’all know in case you have had any sleepless nights about it…….I tried my dress on and it’s perfect and free of any poison ivy cross contamination. I know it was keeping you up at night like it was for me but rest assured it’s all good. It’s actually gorgeous. I cannot wait to show you the pictures. I’m kinda sad I can’t do it now. I’m so bad at keeping surprises or gifts I always want to share...
Search Results for: hotel

Oh it feels good to be home but I am missing sleeping with the balcony doors open and hearing the ocean rolling in at night. I’ll tell you what any girls trip you go on pick someone to be the bachelorette and then you won’t have to worry about anything else. I wanted to thank my amazing bridesmaids they really went above and beyond. Spoiled is an understatement. Also being able to travel with 5 women…..we all got along and were talking about our next trip on the way home. I mean that just tells you how successful of...

I honestly felt like there were 10 days in this weekend. I am sitting here trying to recap the weekend and I just said to Mark “dang we got so much done!”. Linking up with Biana and Meghan for this random weekend update. The weekend started off with a going away dinner for one of Marks friends on his softball team. As I was washing my hands in the bathroom there was the most epic full length mirror and I really wanted to get a picture of my hair and outfit combo. The only problem is every time I...

Welcome back Monday. Why oh why Weekend did you have to rain on Saturday? It’s okay it forced me to get lots of work done but no playing at the beach so therefore not a lot of fun things to highlight. Linking up with my bestie Biana. So I’ll tell you about some of my midweek fun. I went and played Bingo at Oxford Exchange which is a bookstore/restaurant/retail/coffee shop/wine bar/beautiful space hybrid that was a welcomed breath of fresh air for our area. The person calling the game sounded very familiar to this night. Naturally he use to...

So I know everyone has said that the time before your Wedding really flies by but y’all were not joking! It’s hard I talk about this with Mark all the time, it’s such a seesaw with wanting to talk all things Wedding and feeling like a “bride” to then being back to reality and the day to day like you know……work. Plus you know how it is with men, you get a small window of time in which they will discuss wedding things and then once you try to take that extra step to talk about linen colors, well...

Okay so let’s get into this Boston recap! If you remember from this post, I grew up right outside the city about 20 minutes east. I don’t have my accent anymore but I do love hearing it when I go back. We were celebrating Marks belated birthday and he wanted to go to the Sox/Yanks series. We got in on Thursday and let me just tell you I discovered this after the fact but there is a now a subway/bus system that takes you to Logan and it is super convenient! I don’t remember the “silver line” growing up...

Greeting from Boston. I had like 3/4’s of this post ready to roll and then crappy wifi happened. So just to let you know I hung out with B and Christina and they are just as amazing if not more than you would imagine but the hotel wifi is terrible……not as much as the inflight Southwest wifi….but a close runner up. So let’s get right into it. Favorite Song Not going to lie….I just love this song. Some major car dancing Favorite Recipe Summer Veggie Slaw. Full recipe here. Please make sure to pin from the original! Favorite...

Seriously y’all I can’t even begin to tell you how giddy I get by looking at these bad boys. It was such a cool experience being up on the campus that we both went to and have such fond memories at. We had a one year overlap when Mark was in Law school there and I was a freshman……yes we clearly had different experiences there you know since he like went to college in the 90’s but that is a whole different story ;-) This is on the main campus with the Century Tower and University Auditorium Since...