Art Festivals•Pure Barre•Pure Barre Tampa•Scenes from the Weekend•Spring•Trader Joe's•Veuve
Scenes From The Weekend-Spring Has Finally Arrived
March 3, 2014I don’t know about you but I am so excited for Spring. This is the time where I hope you don’t boo and hiss but honestly we had the most amazing weather this past weekend down in Florida. Everyday was bright blue skies and sunny. I just got off the phone with my sister who lives in New Jersey and she was talking about snow moving through. Who wants to come and visit? I’ll take you to art festivals down by the water like this.
Once we finally found the beer trucks at the very back…..we perused through the various artists. It seemed like everyone was out enjoying the sunshine and walking their dogs….some even placed their dogs in strollers someone please fill me into that phenomenon?
It was my girlfriend and one of my bridesmaid (yeah!) Kelly’s birthday so we had a fun time celebrating over the weekend. I even made it out past midnight on Friday…..I know y’all it was something alright. I’m usually passed out sleeping by then. Looking back it wasn’t even that long ago that is when we were heading out! I told Mark as we were heading out “look at me 4 inch heels both nights” and I tried to do a little swagger walk…I was trying to channel my inner Olivia Pope.
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yeah for Scandal being back!!
I think this is what goes through everyones head when they are around me…
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I think crazy attracts crazy… least we keep it interesting right?
Let’s round it out with some pictures.
1//Drinks at Timpanos…the best cucumber gimlet martini.
2//Do not buy this if you don’t want to have to have a pep talk with yourself every time you walk by the kitchen….”Amanda there are no more spoons left….you can’t have anymore….I mean you could use a fork? Oh that would look nice Mark would have some great comments for you once he sees fork marks on the inside”. It was his worst best Costco purchase of his life. What things do your guys buy when they shop by themselves? Crackpot Biscoff cookie spread?? It’s amazing….I’m telling you between the queso and now this…..bathing suit season is here and Costco is getting in the way!
3//I taught as well took class at my most favorite place. Really needed to after eating the following.
4//Also if someone could buy me that extremely oversized bottle of Veuve….I’d love you forever.
5//Have you had the ice cream cookie sandwiches from Traders Joes….total crack heaven.
Check back tomorrow I’m reviewing all my Target purchased from this post. xoxoxoxo
Haha! I can sooo relate to being passed out on the couch instead of our partying. I feel like I have the sleep patterns of a senior these days! Glad you had a fun weekend out on the town, and I hope you don’t feel it all week:) I know I would.
Can’t wait to see your outfit post tomrw.
XO, Gina
Lol it is a rare occasion that I am up past midnight! Those trader Joe’s ice cream sandwiches look AMAZING!
I’m overly jealous of your good weather and that ice cream sandwich! It rained here all weekend in the Northwest and I was definitely not out past my bedtime :) Have a great week!
That ice cream cookies look delish! I want it for breakfast! We had spring like temps this weekend too, but now? It’s back to rain/snowy and 30’s. BOOOOOOOOOO!
Love the comment about using a fork when the spoons are gone – you aren’t alone, I’ve definitely thought that before! I’m loving seeing all the warm pics!
Looks like amazing weather for you this weekend! So dreamy! Those ice cream sandwiches look amazing!
Oh how I’m longing for that weather right now!! You were rocking the new dress!! I’ve never seen the trader joes cookie sandwiches – it will be on my next grocery run!! I sadly fell asleep at like 10:30 so didn’t catch Matthew’s acceptance speech – but I know he did his famous “alright, alright, alright!!” Hope you have a great Monday love!
The weather there looks gorgeous! Looks like full on summer to this Scottish girl :P
And how much do I want that ice cream cookie sandwich?! Never tried one of those, but I want to now!
YES to TJ ice cream cookie sandwiches. Also, somehow a girl I went to high school is friends with Tara and Johnny? And spent the entire olympics with them. They even threw out her name in an interview of what they would take to a deserted island! But she put up all kinds of pictures of them on Facebook!
Looks like you had an amazing weekend! Omg obsessed with Johnny and Tara! I actually thought the oscars was really good this year! Ellen killed it! I love her!!
<3 Shannon
boo and hiss to your good weather. today is -29 and will stay this way until wed, then it’ll warm up and then we’ll get snow. THIS IS MARCH, MOTHER NATURE; GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!!
and i forgot about the oscars last night until i logged into twitter this morning oops!
-kathy | Vodka and Soda
I’m so happy to be out of the cold and back to this weather! I need to work on my tan. I can’t wait to take a class at your favorite place on Sunday!
Crazy definitely attracts crazy. :)
So jealous of your amazing weather, but that is awesome!!! Yay Spring!! Sounds like an amazing weekend :)
Ugh, sign me up! I need to come visit. We were plummeted with more snow again last night!
I am SO glad Scandal is back. I’m kind of loving Olivia & Jake…is that wrong??
^oscars recap on the blog today
What a beautiful weekend, we were snowed in so I’m a little envious! I’ve never tried the Biscoff spread, I’ve had an internal battle with myself over it for sometime now haha. I did the same thing with Nutella, Nutella won. And those Trader Joe’s cookies look amazing, I wish we had one here!
Boo. Hiss!!
I don’t understand dogs being in strollers either.
Wait, you were in 4 inch heels?! How do you walk in that without crying?!
Such beautiful photos! I’m so happy that spring has finally come!
Wow, you lucked out this weekend in the weather department!! That little outdoor art festival looked awesome!!
Your pep talk was hysterical! Fork marks – HA!
Happy Monday lady!
i had some veuve last night..yummy stuff. it would’ve been better with some biscoff spread on a spoon haha
Hahaha, I live here and am like, “Oh my god, her weather is gorgeous!”…sweet Jeez…lol.
I’d love to be there right now. This morning when I left for work it was -1. Johnny and Tara are the best power couple!
~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
I want to cry looking at those first photos because it looks so beautiful! Ahhh sunshine and warmth! It’s currently snowing like crazy here but that ice cream sandwich looks delicious :)
I’d do a lot of things to be in beautiful weather like that right now! So done with the snow!
Haha yessss to “At the Oscars we wear white”. What a fun weekend! Staying out till midnight – or even 11 – is huge in my book so I give you props :)
So jealous you’ve got spring time!! It’s 12 degrees here right now. In Texas.
I’ve never had those ice cream cookies…but now it’s all I can think about!! And I am SO incredibly jealous of your gorgeous weather…Ohio’s winter has not been so nice to me.
I’m so glad Scandal is back. Thanks for rubbing in all the sunshine. It’s miserably cold here today!
So jealous of the warm weather, I am dying for spring here!
THAT COOKIE!!!!????? Omg. I need that cookie. Also? I hate you. Can I please come visit? I need a dose of “summer” in my life stat.
Love Johnny and Tara – they brought some glamour to the red carpet on a night where lots of people were playing it safe!
BOOOO HISS. its snowing AGAIN. in chicago. wah-wah
o and i totally want an ice cream sandwich now :)
xo jillian – cornflake dreams
i want that ice cream cookie sandwich now. and i wish it was spring here in boston!!
Oh my gosh I’ve been wanting a dog stroller for Johnny Cakes forever! Pete keeps nixing my idea though, hahah! He doesn’t like walking outside so I think it’d be nice to have one for him so he could at least get some fresh air!
Your weather is the bessssssst. I am literally watching snow pour down out my windows as I type this. (It’s pretty — but I’d take a gorgeous sunny day in a heartbeat!) I loved the Oscars last night! Ellen cracks me up (though I thought her Liza dig was a little too mean) and there were gorgeous people (hellooooo JLaw, Lupita, Penelope, and JARED) and some great speeches.
The weather was so amazing this weekend!! Glad you got to go out and enjoy it! I totally relaxed by the pool! LOL I never stay up past midnight either! You go girl for past midnight AND 4 inch heels! Jealous of those martinis! :)
omg i never saw them at the oscars!!! thank you for posting that pic, that is amazing. our weather started out beautiful and then got bitterly cold!
I’m glad you had fun in Florida! Great pics!
Simply Cydney
Haha…I take it back, I’m glad you LIVE in Florida. :)
I received that bottle of Vueve as a graduation gift from college before I even understood the goodness of Vueve. Ohh I could so go for a glass right now!
My dog will never be in a stroller!! So weird. Aside from Halloween, he will never wear clothes either. He’s not an accessory :) Looks like a beautiful weekend. I feel so guilty living somewhere sunny and seeing everyone else in their snowy misery. I banned myself from ever complaining about the weather here. But secretly, I’m really excited for spring too!
i will trade you my rain for your sun!
Sounds like a great weekend! I always want those ridiculously oversized bottles of champagne too. It would be pretty epic to pour glasses out of for a party. Or just to sit and look badass in the kitchen.
I am so jealous. I desperately want the sunshine & warm weather! Spring can’t come soon enough up here in Illinois!
I am 100% longing for spring!!! Xx.
Loving all of the shorts and tshirts in the first few pictures!!! YAY for Spring!! :) :)
Trader Joes Tampa is opening in 18 days!!!!!!
Oh how i long for some gorgeous weather so I can get outside. We still have snow that hasn’t melted yet. Ice cream sandwiches are my weakness! So good!
Your warm weather pictures are torture right now! It snowed here all morning of course haha and omg, I neeeeed one of those ice cream sandwiches!! Are they TJ brand?
That bottle of champagne! I saw a massive bottle on Ellen the other day. I could seriously do a world of damage AND fun with a bottle like that… I enjoyed the hell out of the Oscars. Best power couple…………. Jonah Hill and his mom. She pulled the proud mom line; “Hi. I’m Jonah’s mom and I’m so proud of Jonah..” How sweet… ;)
Lupita, Kate Hudson, and Kerry Washington KILLED the Oscars. Those were my favorites!
Yay Scandal!
I did not watch the Oscars. I was watching The Walking Dead.
So jealous that you have spring weather. We’ve got nothing like that here!
I would definitely share that bottle with you! I did find a huge bottle of Blu which we popped this weekend for my parents birthdays…yum!
Oh and I am super behind on scandal. I need to catch up!
Hey girl you are a noreply blogger. Shoot me your email over at [email protected]
I want to come visit! I’m so depressed that it’s now March and we just got more snow, sigh. That cookie spread looks really good…I would probably eat the whole jar in one sitting :)
The Tiny Heart
Jewelry Giveaway!
I have no idea what is up with the dogs in strollers is.. My dogs are way too big and would probably bite my arm off if I tried stuffing them in one. Although the mental picture of my dogs in a double stroller has me cracking up!
Kerry Washington is absolutely gorgeous!! I love Scandal, even though I am way behind on watching it.
I didn’t watch the Oscars, whoops!