I have a ton of friends right now who are newly pregnant that have been hitting me up on what I’ve been stocking up on. Also, blog world has a lot of mommy to be’s out there as well. I wanted to share what I’ve bought and been socking away for little man.
This Solly baby wrap. It can be used as a swaddle or a hands free wrap. I got it in the burgundy color. It is incredibly soft and I love the stretch on it. Don’t worry there is a video tutorial if you need it.
I cannot wait to use this tank. Seriously isn’t this is sweetest thing you’ve ever seen? I plan on breastfeeding and I need ways to be able to carry this kiddo around.
Swaddles apparently are the way to go. I picked up this one because hello it zips, genius. This swaddle has velcro that grows with them, and this one is incredibly soft and I already have it packed for my hospital bag.
Between all my lovely showers at work and personal shower thrown by my family……this kid is all set with clothes. I will say though, H&M has some of the cutest sets I’ve ever seen.
A DockATot seems to be a total must. I love how portable it is. I got it in the marble color, with an extra cover, and look at the new animal toy arch bar.
This white noise and night light which is controlled via an app. I’ve heard this is a MUST.
This Keekaroo changing pad that is incredibly easy to clean up.
After much research I chose this diaper bag because it actually looks like a stylish piece I would wear but I love the organizer on the inside. I got this backpack for Marks car.
Even though I’m a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, I am far removed from Primary Care now. I love this book so far and definitely going to try to stick with the schedule in it.
These have been my favorite purchases and registry gifts so far. Tell me what else are the must haves and if you have any questions about the products I’d love to answer any of them for you. Make sure you check back tomorrow. I have the first of the MAJOR sales to talk about this week!!! Trust me, you do not want to miss it!
I seriously love your diaper bag – it’s so chic and pretty! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston
MOC is totally worth following!! Olivia has been sleeping through the night since 13 weeks with it!
The baby wraps and swaddles are supposedly a lifesaver for new moms! Congrats on the final countdown! xo Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis
I am LOVING this list! The Dockatot is just the best thing ever and you already know my crazy love of Moms on Call. The first swaddle is great and I finally caved and got the Ollie swaddle after so many sleep s;pecialists recommended it, SO good!
So many great things! I see so many people using those wraps so they have to be good! And they’re stylish so that’s definitely a plus! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes
I love all the pockets and organization that your diaper bag provides. It will come in handy for sure. I love the look of my Coach one….but I spend a lot of time digging around in there for stuff and wish I would have gotten one that was better suited for the things I was going to be carrying. I never got the doc-a-tot but I know so many moms who swear by them. Zoe had some reflux issues and ended up sleeping in her rock n play for the first four months of her life. Once I moved her to it, she started sleeping longer stretches and it was amazing. They are also wonderful for sticking them in it if you need to run to the restroom, or bring it in the bathroom while you shower and get ready since they are so small and easy to tote around the house. H & M does have some super cute clothes!! Old Navy has really shocked me with some of their selection too! And the Cat and Jack brand from Target has been my absolute favorite.
That diaper bag is so gorgeous- I love the color and how compact it is while still being able to fit a lot. I’ve been on the hunt for a backpack diaper bag, so I’m definitely going to check out the one you linked.
swaddling blankets (Aden + Anis), womb sounds recording, vibrating bassinet, nipple cream
We used the HECK out of our Solly wrap!! Definitely a must have!
My daughter is almost 10 months old, the one thing I have recommended to everyone that is expecting their first is to not get too set on products before the baby is here. It’s great to be prepared and have these things on hand, but your baby is a human with an opinion. I say this because my daughter hated being swaddled. We tried it for a few nights after we got home from the hospital, and you could hear her grunting until she wiggled her hands out of the swaddle, so we switched to sleep sacks and returned the couple of swaddles that had not been opened. She was much happier sleeping in the sacks and being able to move her arms.
She also never really liked the wearable wraps, and I have heard that from a few other moms, so just be prepared for your baby to tell you he doesn’t like the things you love.