Happy Monday dolls! My little one is blessing me with a nap longer than an hour so I actually have a second to sit down and get some writing done! I wanted to check in with a few of my current favs now that Patrick is on the move and active. He is crawling now so I pretty much cannot turn my back for a second. He is lightning fast and a little Houdini. 7 months is seriously one of my favorite ages so far. He is super smiley, happy, babbling/blowing raspberries, and so proud of himself. Right now all my favorites are about containment and ways to entertain him.
This Exersaucer
I have loved watching his development over the months with this. When he first started all he would do is bat the little alligator. Now he practically does chin-ups on the monkey bar. This keeps him entertained for enough time to wash pump parts, do dishes, and actually eat something. Huge win in my book. It is easy to adjust as he grows taller as well. I will warn you it comes in like 100 IKEA parts. Thank goodness to my dad putting it together one weekend for me.
This playmat
He still loves it. Definitely one of those you get a lot of use for keeping up with development kind of toys. Mine is old and from my sister but this one is great.
The Jumparoo
I find this highly entertaining myself and if he’s not jumping in it, he likes to flip around all the toys on the play bar. If you don’t want to buy it new, check your mommy facebook groups, there is always someone selling one.
Beaba Baby Food Cooker
I seriously feel like a super mom when I make his own purees. Plus, it’s seriously so much more cost effective. One sweet potato makes enough purees for an entire week! It is so easy to use! You cut up whatever you want to give them, add the water, steam and then flip out the steamer and puree it up to your consistency liking. This Beaba babycook is a must-have! When I’m done, I store them in these containers.
This Mat
How fabulous is this mat from Dwinguler right? I love that you can just roll it out and there are no crevices to have to worry about like the lock blocks. It’s super squishy and gives a lot of padding. It is double sided and the colors as so vibrant. It is very easy to wipe clean and I’m been super impressed with the quality. It is definitely worth the price tag. Oh, and the best part it is double sided! I also plan on getting this gate around “castle“ since he is going to be very mobile soon!
Those are a few things that I’ve been loving lately that make our lives a little easier. What are some of your favorites around this age range? Also, please tell me what night time sleep method worked for y’all. Once this kid started crawling it has been the worst sleep regression yet! Send me all the coffee please, I am pretty much a walking zombie.
It sure is a game changer when they are on the move. He is crawling so early! I think Zoe started around 9 months and then like a few weeks later she was pulling herself up and walking along the furniture. Then the game is really over! haha! Containing them when they are that age was a skill I mastered. I had all of these things, and even though you only use them for a few months….they are SO worth it! Every last one of them!