This post is sponsored by Carter’s; however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
The majority of you may know this already but I am the youngest of six. My mother in my mind is the original Martha Stewart. I have three brothers and two sisters, pretty much the Brady Bunch but not in a blended way. My mother always pushed us to be fiercely independent, financially responsible, and I think I learned how to be the Queen of multi tasking from her. She is my therapist, life coach, cheerleader, and role model that I strive to. She knows how to talk me off a ledge and give me good practical real life advice. She was always so calm with us and I really don’t think I ever saw her frazzled. I spent a lot of time and energy into my school and career. I knew I always wanted children “some day” but my focus was getting my life stable and in order. When I met Mark, I knew that he was the one I wanted to have kids with. When we made that decision I of course put all my energy and research into trying to conceive. I never knew how involved it all was. I pretty much was driving myself and him crazy over the that time. I know there was a higher being at work because for all that time of trying, it didn’t work until two weeks after we closed on a house. Everything fell into place exactly like it should. Now we have this perfect miracle baby who is the total light of our life. I absolutely adore being a mom. My entire world revolves around him and I wouldn’t have it any other way. He is truly the best baby and brings joy to everyone around him!
My mom also worked growing up, I don’t even know how that is even possible with 6 children but I grew up in essentially a two working parent household. I have pretty much worked since I’ve been 12 years old. I was a receptionist at a local hair salon and I learned the true value of a dollar early on. If I ever wanted the latest trendy thing my dad would always say he would split it with me. It made me realize if those Coach sandals from TJMaxx were really worth it when I would have to calculate how many hours at the salon it would cost me. Whenever I make any big purchases I always think of the return of investment on it and how much wear I will really get it out of it.
Now that I am buying clothes for my little one, I am all about quality and durability especially since there is a lot of wash and wear with daycare. I am pretty much obsessed with the little basics line from Carters. Carters makes the cutest baby boy clothes! Now that he is hitting a lot of gross motor milestones like rolling over and sitting up, these basics are perfect for all that movement. I like to put him in long sleeve tops and bottoms for daycare because in my mind it’s less exposure to the surroundings. The basics top are super soft and feel so good up against the skin. Plus, they come in the cutest designs. How adorable is this set with the elephants? I also love the buttons on these pants. The best part is they are all really interchangeable which is nice in the mornings when I’m half asleep to coordinate. He looks put together even when I don’t feel that way.
Carter’s is a name you can trust for quality clothes. I have some hand me downs from my sisters kiddos and they still look brand new. They don’t shrink, pile, or look worn even with many washings. I always give a set for a baby gift. The baby clothes bundle basics are such a lovely gift for mommy’s to be and building up the babies wardrobe! You can stock up on these basics 20% a purchase of $40 or more with the code CART4342. Tell me about your baby favorites!
I think with how fast they grow out of things it’s important to buy quality clothes at a great price and Carter’s definitely fits the bill!! xo,Biana-BlovedBoston
Aw such sweet pictures! Your momma sounds like a saint! I do not know how she did it with 6 kids and working!
Sweet little Patrick <3 He looks adorable in everything and Carter's is the best go-to!
Carter’s has so many great options. I love their prices and there’s always a sale. The clothes hold up well too. Look at him sucking his thumb-so sweet!
He is SUCH a cutie!!!!!! I cant imagine juggling any more kids than Zoe, how your mom handled 6 without getting frazzled is beyond my comprehension lol. True super hero right there! Half of Zoe’s wardrobe at any given time is from Carters/OshKosh. Especially their jammies.
Thanks for sharing Amanda! I think all your recommendations very helpful. I consider myself multitasker and minimalist, always looking for best in everything. There are so many baby products out there and using knowlegeble guidance when making purchase decision is a key. I love the lion onesie by the way, it looks comfie and will work for boy and a girl. I have to totally get it, especially that my little one will arrive in August ( Leo :)).