We are so excited to announce the 5th Annual Review Extravaganza! I cannot believe I have been doing this for 5 years now. This year there are many new faces for co-hosts and a new group of awesome prizes.

What is the Review Extravaganza
It is your way to look back over the year and each week recap three months at a time of what happened in your life, your favorite blog posts, favorite pictures- whatever you would like to share. (Here is an example of one of EmmyMom’s recaps from last year)
We would like to introduce you to this year’s 9 amazing hosts!

From Top to Bottom-Left to Right:(Click on the names below to get to their blogs)
Angie-My So Called Chaos
Melissa-Making Melissa
Shane-Whispering Sweet Nothings
Karen-A Peak at Karen’s World
Amanda-Meet the Barre

Arbonne Sample Kit and $10 Starbucks e-gift Card
$20 Value Total
Grand Prize
Find Kenzie at: Blog//Facebook//Twitter//Instagram//Pinterest//Google+
$32 Value
Grand Prize

Find WiRed Boutique at: Website//Facebook//Twitter//Etsy//Pinterest//Google+
Party in a Box
$20 Value
Runner- Up Prize
Find Party in a Box: Facebook//Website
Find Kelly at: Blog//Etsy//Facebook//Twitter//Instagram//Pinterest//
$30 Value
Grand Prize

These cute winter aprons are just a sample of the cute aprons that “Grandma” makes as part of her hand-made shop. Perfect to keep your clothes clean of spills and stains and look great in the process.
Find Handmade by Grandma on: Facebook
Jamberry Nail Set
$15 Value
Runner-Up Prize
Find Layuah at: Blog//Website//Twitter//Instagram//Pinterest
BEEHave Yourself Necklace by Lia Sophia
$41 Value
Grand Prize

This sounds like such a fab idea! I hope I remember to do it!!
I’m scheduling posts now! Woo!!!
(and I’m glad I use a feed reader, or I would have missed this, which is super sad since this is so awesome!)