I feel like it totally dates me when I say things like “can we just pause time right now?” Time is seriously just flying by. When I was younger, I couldn’t wait for time to fly by because it always meant that I was getting one day closer to that next big event. The last day of school, first day of college, last day of the semester, one more month till boards, etc etc. Now, I’m like can we just slow the roll of this time evaporation phenomena? I feel like I am going to blink and it will be our one year Wedding Anniversary. Heck, we are already starting to make plans for it. Can’t wait to share those with you soon! I feel like the more over scheduled I am, the more time is just whipping by due to all the things I pack into one day. I cannot complain though. Life is good. I am happy and content. Beautiful feeling right? Let’s get right into these favorites!
Favorite Song
Current fav singing in my car song. Also, great for running. Crash 2.0 Adventure Club vs DallasK.
Favorite Recipe
This recipe is ridiculously good and you can make it in the crockpot. Win and win. Crockpot BBQ Beer Pulled Chicken original pin here.
Favorite Workout
I have never been able to do a full body pushup until Pure Barre. All that plank and pushup work is paying off! Original pin here.
Favorite Purchase
I’m sure that everyone is now aware that the Sephora VIB sale 2015 is live today. Take 20% off starting today. If you missed my Sephora Holiday Gift Set Review post on Wednesday, I painstakingly combed over every holiday gift set for you and narrowed down the list to the best bang for your buck purchase. I insist you check it out. I currently have the Fresh Sugar lip set in my shopping cart as well as the Glam Glow kit. What is in yours?
Favorite Funnies
When I’m trying to concentrate on picking my dinner from the menu but I keep on getting interrupted
Then I’m all like
Then I pretty much always
When you plan a girls dinner and someones husband stays way past their welcome drop off time frame
When a work email or call comes through at 5 pm on Friday but you’re already walking out into the sunshine
Alright it’s your turn! Tell me your favs from the week. Also, what is in your Sephora cart today for the 20% sale? I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and if you have any ideas on how to slow down this holiday season please send them my way! xoxoxo
Eep, I’ve never tried a side forearm plank! Pretty sure I’ll fall over when I do, but now I have to try!
LOL I am dying at that Dobby gif! I need to see if there is a Sephora here so I can partake in buying ALL the pretty things! :) xo
I was doing some of those yoga poses in my PiYo class the other night, they’re a killer but I’m hoping to see improvement! x
That recipe looks delicious and I snapped up my goodies today!
I love bbq chicken! I will have to try that recipe it looks amazing! I love Dobby!!! Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!
Ohhhh I think Jose would really love that pulled bbq! Looks so yummy!
I need to try that crock pot recipe and that plank workout….I did one in a barre class this week and it was amazing! All the side arm planks we could handle lol! Have a great weekend! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Okay first off – that chicken looks incredible. SO making that next week. I’m sooooo tempted by the Sephora sale right now, and the Glam Glow set is on my wishlist as well! Trying to decide if it’s worth it to order things and have them sent to Germany…. ahh decisions.
hahahaha the Dobby is a Free Elf gif! YES! That one made me laugh out loud! So glad you got some goodies from the Sephora sale! I’m trying to be good, plus I haven’t spent enough to be a VIB (oh well! Saves me some money in my wallet…for things like crossbody purses right haha), Happy Weekend friend!
Time seriously is flying, especially around the holidays it seems! I love the Dobby meme haha so true that’s the worst! And I’ll have to check out your Sephora reviews :)
Totally agree with you on the time thing. I mean I don’t even remember august, september, or october. Shouldn’t it still be like 2009? bless. Hope you have an amazing weekend friend!
Hahaha full but always have room for dessert! That recipe sounds delicious and perfect for a weeknight meal!
That recipe looks delicious!!! I am Dobby everyday when it is time to leave hehehehe. Have a great weekend! Happy Sephora shopping!
I think that is going to be my Sunday dinner right there! Oh Sephora… I cannot decide but I will be making a purchase or two! I cannot believe you are coming up on your wedding anniversary!?!? How in the world has an entire year gone by? Ugh… just stop it
There is always, always room for dessert ;) Can’t believe how fast this year is going either – it blows my mind that Thanksgiving is in less than 2 weeks now! Ps. Got the PMD device last night, thank you soooooo much!!! Can’t wait to try it this weekend!
That recipe looks so good, I love BBQ. Will have to give that workout a try too. Thanks for sharing.
I’m starting Pure Barre next week!! I can’t wait until my arms get stronger and I can do all those moves! Have a good weekend!
That workout looks a lot like yoga, so you know I love it! I wasn’t able to do a full body push up until I started yoga, and now I can do regular or tricep push ups – the tri’s are HARD! But no arm jiggle FTW. I mention barre today in my post… I’m sure you’ll get a kick out of it :)
those BITE lipsticks are the best!! goign to check out that sale now :D
I haven’t had BBQ Chicken in the crockpot in forever and that recipe looks like one I need to try! Can’t wait to see everybody’s goodies from Sephora sale. Hope you have a great weekend!!
That first year really does fly by! I feel like you just got married too! :)
Loving those yoga poses! My yoga instructor incorporates those into our flows and I love holding the poses longer for more strength conditioning. Happy Friday <3
Green Fashionista
Just started up with power yoga again and absolutely loving it! These poses are so good! Have a great weekend!
I feel like time is going by so fast…which is a good and bad thing for me! I am wishing I could fast forward time until after I take my NCLEX in January, but also wishing I could slow down the time around the holidays! Love all these funnies…especially about dessert! Hope you have a great weekend!
Yum to your chicken recipe and a Sephora just opened right down the street from us! TGIF!
Those gifts are hilarious. I always try to leave room for dessert. I mean, that is the best part of dinner, right? Have a fab weekend.
Derek has been asking for BBQ chicken so much recently – definitely remembering that recipe! I definitely need to work on those yoga poses, I’m the least flexible person and only go to barre for the cardio/ballet part, when we do the yoga I’m terrible haha and definitely need to step it up!
The Sephora sale just makes me all sorts of happy! I actually got to order last weekend and all of my goodies came yesterday and it felt just like Christmas! I definitely agree, the Glam Glow set is pretty amazing! Have a great weekend!
Yeah, girl, dessert is always necessary! And tell me you’ve heard the new Missy Elliott song. Makes me want to bust out my college dance moves. Lol.
Hahahah, loving the funnies with the menu “shhhh!” haha. Seriously! And going back to check out your Sephora post!!!! I’m slow on my reading this week but those holiday gift sets are my fav.
Yoga moves aint no joke when it comes to upper body!
I want to work on some of these moves – especially the Dolphin one
LOL I am the exact same way with desert. Pete likes to say that he has an extra stomach… his “desert stomach.” lol
YESSS the sephora sale!! it’s like a pre-christmas!!! in the most selfish way hahah
oh i’m going to try that crockpot beer chicken. that looks amazing and easy! Happy Friday! Trish – tales from trish
I can’t believe how fast this year has gone! I really love this time of year, so I would love time to sloooow down too! That BBQ beer chicken looks so good! And bonus it’s a crock pot recipe! Happy weekend to you!
Haha you can totally tell that when I added my link this morning I was half asleep. Yay for 5 am wakeup calls. Blah! I cannot believe your one year anniversary is right around the corner! It feels like you just got married! And OMG yes to picking your dinner while everyone is talking. I need quiet please, this is an important decision! Haha! Happy Friday love! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes
Hahah YESSS to the Friday email thing. So true!! Hope you have a fun weekend ahead!
I agree, time does need to slow it’s roll! There are just not enough hours in the day. I’m really hoping to drop by the sale this weekend. I actually have a few necessities to pick up. I can’t believe you guys are coming up on a year soon. So crazy!
thank you so much for the reminder about the sephora sale! and love me some adventure club :)
The time speeding by phenomenon only gets worse when you have kids. One minute your child is a sweet little baby and the next they are as tall as you and want to wear lipgloss to school. Help! Hehe! Have a great weekend, girl! xo
Hahaahaaa!! Laughing so hard at the Dobby quote. You have a GREAT sense of humor, Amanda. Truly. How do you dream up these things?! My office closes at 4:30. My phone rings at 4:27. Ignore it? Answer it? I have to work late on a Friday?! Whaaaaa? “Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf.”
I love your friday posts! That recipe? You had me at crock pot.I also laughed out loud at the Dobby gif, I feel the same way every day when I leave. I am so pumped for this Sephora sale. I need some new, quality products. I buy so many drugstore items which are fine, but not great.
I got that contour bronzer thing you posted and some refills of my staples. I wanted that clutch with the samples they had but you couldn’t use two promo codes so I split my order into one big for the coupon and one at exactly $25 so I could get that. I did it through Rapid Rewards Shopping so 4 times the points! That recipe is getting pinned for my blog! Happy Weekend! Can’t wait to wear my Free People shirt tonight!
Gotta enjoy every single day since time moves so fast. :-) That chicken looks so good and Chris would so eat that. Win!! Speaking of Chris.. If I was going to meet a friend for dinner and he was dropping me off, he wouldn’t even get out of the car. Haha. I have a funny one about getting emails or whatever when leaving work that I’ll have to send you too. Saving that workout too. :-) Have a fab weekend lady!!
Happy VIB sale day!! I’m loving adding every blogger’s favorites to my loves :)
DOBBY! Always Dobby.
That chicken looks so good! I’m going to have to make it ASAP. And thanks for the gifs. I love a good laugh!
The VIB sale has so many goodies this year and lots of great gift sets for the holidays! I might just have to make the BBQ chicken recipe this weekend. All about crockpot cooking. Happy Friday lady!
That chicken recipe sounds amazing! I can’t wait to hear about your anniversary plans.
I ask myself the same question basically daily. My parents always said the day you turn 30 time goes into hyperspeed and they were, unfortunately, right. Slow it down!
That slow cooker recipe has Ryan’s name all over it – I’ll definitely be saving that one for later! So glad that you’re happy and life is good right now, girlfriend. :)
I am dying about the Harry Potter gif! And I have totally been stalking your Sephora VIB Sale Guide! I so want the Glam Glow! It looks so good, and I loved your point about the brush! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! It looked like you went to Universal again on Snapchat. I have never been but as a huge HP fan, I want to someday!
Annie- All Things Big And Small